Welcome to Ocean Of Games the place to find the most popular games ready for you to download directly. Today we are thrilled to present to you Barotrauma V1.5.9.2 a journey that will captivate you from start to finish. We take pride in providing a downloading process, for gamers all, around the globe at Ocean Of Games. Our service guarantees that you receive top notch games already installed and good to go hassle free. Dive into the world of Barotrauma and experience gaming like never before. Whether you enjoy gaming yourself or a dedicated enthusiast Ocean Of Games aims to offer you an exceptional gaming experience.
Dive into a chilling underwater adventure in Barotrauma, a co-op survival horror game set on Jupiter’s moon Europa. Imagine FTL meets Rimworld with a dash of Space Station 13 – that’s the vibe. This is a world of treacherous depths, ragdoll physics, and lurking alien horrors. Will you work together with your crew to survive, or sow the seeds of betrayal and watch the ship erupt in flames?
Barotrauma isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a world where survival hinges on teamwork, but also where a backstabber can doom everyone. Explore the depths, navigate treacherous underwater environments, and encounter strange lifeforms – befriend or fight them, the choice is yours. You can even team up with different factions vying for power in this cutthroat underwater world.
Here’s the beauty of Barotrauma: there’s no single path to victory. You can play with friends, strangers, or even your worst enemies. Complete missions, fight monsters, explore alien ruins, or simply try to stay alive!
The complexity doesn’t stop there. Master intricate ship systems, craft tools and weapons to keep the sub running, and heal your crewmates – communication is key! Feeling creative? Build your own submarines and monsters using the editor, or delve even deeper by modding the game’s code directly.
Barotrauma offers a massive online experience with up to 16 players per submarine, with bots to fill the gaps if you prefer a solo or smaller crew adventure. Choose from 6 unique crew classes, each with their own skills: Captain the ship, keep the engine humming as an Engineer, or patch up your crewmates as a Medic. The choice is yours!
The world is your oyster, or rather, your Europa. Procedurally generated environments and missions mean endless replayability. Craft what you need to survive, ally with powerful factions, and carve your own path in this unforgiving underwater world. The depths of Europa await. Are you ready to dive in?
Do checkout this amazing game Easy Red 2!

FREE Download PC Barotrauma:
- Click on the Download button below to start your download.
- Save the setup file to your preferred download location.
- Once the download is complete, locate the setup file and double-click to run it.
Installation Steps For Barotrauma Download PC:
- Extract the files: Use WinRAR or any other extraction tool to unzip the downloaded file.
- Run the installer: Open the extracted folder and double-click on the installer file.
- Follow the on-screen instructions: Complete the installation by following the prompts.
- Launch the game: Once the installation is finished, you can find the game icon on your desktop or in the start menu. Double-click to start playing.
System Requirements Barotrauma pc:
- OS *: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
- Processor: Dual Core 2.4 GHz
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: 2 GB memory (dedicated VRAM or shared RAM), Shader Model 2.0+
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 2 GB available space
- Additional Notes: 64-bit operating system is required
Handling Installation Errors:
If you encounter any issues during installation, follow these steps:
- Ensure your system meets the requirements: Double-check the system requirements listed above.
- Disable antivirus software: Sometimes, antivirus programs may interfere with the installation process. Temporarily disable them and try installing them again.
- Run as administrator: Right-click on the installer file and select “Run as administrator” to avoid permission issues.
- Check for corrupted files: If the downloaded file is corrupted, re-download it from our website.
If issue persist Contact Us.